Candle Care
At R&L we have spent so long working on our brand that sharing some candle care tips to get the best out of your candle is essential.
All of our scented candles are hand poured meaning they are all unique, we use premium wax and blends of essential and fragrance oils for a strong long lasting scent.
To keep your candles, looking and functioning at their best we have some candle care tips. This will also help ensure safer and longer lasting burns, as you want the best out of your candle. Always light your candles in well ventilated rooms, ensuring they are away from flammable objects. Its also important to not burn them where there is a draft or fans because this can cause an uneven burn and sooting leaving your candle vessel stained black.
You want to burn your candle for a minimum of 1-2 hours burning because less can leave your candle to tunnel so you wont get as much burn time. Do not burn for longer than four hours at a time or this can also cause the wick to move.
Always leave between 7 and 10mm of wax at the bottom of the candle when it has reached the end. Always ensure your wicks are clean and your candle is free from debris or dust as this can cause the candle to burn too fast.
Store candles in a cool environment for optimal burning times, ensure you also use to your candle in a reasonable time after purchasing, storing candles for long periods of time can effect the quality of the candle, burn times and effect the scent.
Follow these easy steps to make the most out of your purchase and enjoy your candles.
Enjoy your purchase from R&L gifted delights.
Mel x